Mon, Sep 14
Designed to elevate your team’s command of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), this training reflects far more than product knowledge. The course covers key systems concepts, the latest processes and methods, and the software capabilities to support your systems engineering efforts.
Time & Location
Sep 14, 2020, 10:00 AM GMT+9:30 – Sep 24, 2020, 4:00 PM GMT+9:30
About the Event
Vitech CORE
Stop drawing and start modelling.
Stop spending time engineering your tool suite and start engineering your system.
Vitech’s tools are the only truly comprehensive MBSE software products available across the industry.
Built by systems engineers for systems engineers, the Vitech solution delivers integrated support from initial concept through final design to enable your project success.
CORE brings a comprehensive integrated model-based systems engineering environment with rich capabilities for the engineer and continuous project insight.
Model-Based Systems Engineering with Vitech’s CORE
Designed to elevate your team’s command of MBSE, this training reflects far more than product knowledge. The course covers key systems concepts, the latest processes and methods, and the software capabilities to support your systems engineering efforts.
Using case studies and real-life problems, you will learn the interfaces of CORE and how to best apply it to the management of requirements and risks, verification of system concepts, and re-engineering of processes in your workgroup. You will learn how CORE's modelling and simulation capability quickly and easily allows you to bound and verify vague requirement sets. You will build complete design models, produce supporting documentation, and automatically generate the reports required for any complex system design. Throughout the course you will receive tips from our systems engineers which will enable you to fully maximize all components of CORE software so you can effectively manage it across domains in your environment.
The course is designed for practitioners who will be using CORE to implement their organisation’s MBSE approach. It provides a complete familiarisation with the CORE tool and its application to practical systems engineering problems. Participants are expected to have some background understanding of Systems Engineering or systems thinking concepts, but no previous MBSE experience is required.
Positions are strictly limited, and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Course Presented by Daniel Spencer, Spencer Tech Pty Ltd.
To book a place, or for further information, contact:
· Email: training@spencertech.com.au
· Phone: 0438 826 657